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21st Sunday After

















We Gather as the

Body of Christ


PRELUDE      Erin Tellier

WELCOME      Pastor Perry

ANNOUNCEMENTS      Paule Ralph

CALL TO WORSHIP  (responsive reading)

Paule Ralph

We look in the mirror and what do we see?
We see people who try to be faithful,
even as questions and struggles challenge our faith.

We look in the mirror and how do we see?
We see with hearts which are open to God's love,
with lives which seek to trust when all the evidence
tells us not to be so foolish.

We look in the mirror and who do we see?
We see Jesus, the One who struggles with
the questions we raise, who models faithfulness
for all who would follow.



Wonderful Words of Life

UMC Hymnal    #600


When We All Get to Heaven

UMC Hymnal    #701 (vs. 1, 3, 4)


Here I am Lord

UMC Hymnal    #593


OUR PRAYERS      Pastor Perry



Job 23: 1-9, 16-17      Paule Ralph

CHILDREN’S TIME with Pastor Perry

LORD’S PRAYER      Pastor Perry


We Attend to the Word



​Pastor Perry

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Our relationship with God brings great

rewards and invites us to help our

brothers and sisters in need both

inside the church and outside these walls.

“Give as you are able, according as the Lord has blessed you.”

(Deut. 16: 17)


OFFERTORY      Erin Tellier



Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

UMC Hymnal    #94



Pastor Perry

Almighty God, as we come before You with our offerings, we are reminded of our constant need for You in our lives. You are our creator, and our provider, our sustainer, and our strength. Without You, we are nothing. May these gifts be a symbol of our dependence on You, acknowledging that all we have comes from Your hand. Help us to rely on You more fully in every aspect of our lives, trusting in Your unfailing love and care. Amen.

GOSPEL      Mark 10: 17-31



When You Can’t Find the Door,

But Hear the Music

Pastor Perry​​​


We Are Sent in Ministry

to the World


HYMN      Spirit Song

UMC Hymnal    #347


Pastor Perry

POSTLUDE      Erin Tellier

**Worship Liturgy is taken from the

Abingdon Worship Annual 2024.​

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